Family Run Business Since 1995

"From start to finish, they were very professional, honest and I would highly recommend them. Nothing to fault."

"We Provide a Full 10 year Guarantee"

Wooden Interior Shutters

Diamond Window Shutters Kent

Bringing Style and Elegance to Your Home

Have a Question?

Types of
Window Shutters

With Diamond Shutters, there is not a one-size-fits-all all solution. Here you can see some examples of different shutter designs we can make to measure and install.

How can we help
Improve the look of your home

Window shutters family run business

Kent Family Run Business

25 years experience installing window shutters

25 Years Experience

Window shutters guarantee badge


Window shutters high street showroom icon

High Street Showroom

Window shutters free home survey icon

Free Home Surveys

Conserve Energy and Save Money using
Energy Efficient Shutters

Energy efficient window shutters
Energy efficient interior window shutters
Energy efficient interior window shutters demonstration
Heat loss and window shutters

Contact Diamond Window Shutters Kent

Book Your Free Design Appointment book your appointment

Transform your Kent Home
With Spectacular Diamond Shutters

White window shutters
Interior shutters in a kitchen
Wooden living room shutters
Interior window shutters
BBSA accredited logo
feedback logo 2
feedback logo 3
FSB member logo JPEG

” We would highly recommend Diamond shutters , the staff are very efficient and polite and the shutters are of a high standard. The fitter did an excellent job and made sure everything was left clean and tidy . “

– Janet Stilwell

” Diamond shutters fitted to front of my house.
Very pleased with service, very professional & shutters look great . “

– Kim Morgan

Reliability & timekeeping
Installing window shutters

Award Winning Shutters

Shutter types

Your questions answered

Window shutters in a dining area

Some or our recent installations
with Diamond Shutters?

View of Window Shutters from outside house
View of Window Shutters installation
Window Shutter Installation in Kent
Window Shutter Installation in Sidcup

Transform your home
With Diamond Shutters

Loft window shutters
Triangular window shutters

Kent Housing Market

Diamond Shutters

To find out how we can help transform your home through installing our beautiful shutters, please call on the number below or fill out the contact form, and we will get back to you without delay.